Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I have a lot to learn

In my attempts to be crafty and make my house fabulous for little to no money I bought a mirror.  It's a large mirror and the plan was to refinish it.  Well I refinished it and I don't like it.  I had big plans that just kept changing.  I was going to add screws to this mirror and hang it near my door to keep my front door clear of keys, backpacks and purses, but it's really just too big.  So I posted it on Craigslist and KSL and we'll see if I can sell it.  $20 to whoever wants it.



Update:  After posting this I sort of had an epiphany.  I am thinking about hanging it just like it is in the picture and putting hooks on the bottom and putting vinyl lettering on the top.  I need suggestions for what to write though.  I could put my last name, but that's sort of cliche, or put welcome, but it will be behind my front door when my door is open.  I guess if it sells before I can think of something to put on there then that will be the end of the mirror dilemma.  PLEASE HELP!  I'd love to keep it.


1 comment:

  1. Woow! It's too bad you sold it because I would have bought it! Let the projects begin! Your blog is such a neat idea. I wish I had been smart enough to think of it first. LOL. When do you wanna make bows, again?? ;-)
