Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Before and After

Sometimes a before and after can mean hours upon hours of work.  Others can mean a little fabric change.  Both are very satisfying.  

Check out this awesome chair I got for $15!

Check out that horribly ugly fabric. (No offense if this is the fabric you use for all your decorating needs, but maybe you should rethink that.)

Now check her out after a whopping $1.80 worth of new fabric and some hot glue. (Technically I only used half the fabric, so it was only $.90 of fabric right?)


I'm linking this project up here.


  1. much better!! it was too traditional before- much cozier now!

  2. I've decided that I want you to remake furniture for me so I can have cute stuff without doing the work... :) super cute!

  3. Haha. I've thought about doing that as a business, but I am not ready for the business aspect of things. I would LOVE to help you do a project though. I love the before and afters.

  4. Amazing what a little fabric can do :)
    I'm your newest follower!

  5. That's Awesome! It's always nice to make new friends. I am loving your projects too. Can I add you to my sidebar?
