Monday, August 1, 2011

Complete and utter failure

A while back I bought a dresser from DI for $5.  It was in REALLY bad shape.  I thought I could revive it and I'm sure I still could, but it would take a ridiculous amount of time and most of all money and isn't the point of buying stuff at DI to save money?  Needless to say I gave up.  Here are some pics of my epic fail.

These are pics of what this thing looked like when I brought it home.  When I started to sand the paint became goopy (spell check doesn't think that's a word.  What do you think?) and started to melt.  That's when I realized this was going to be a bigger project than I thought.  So I bought some stripper and started working on it again.  I used a whole can of stripper and didn't even make it half way through the project.  I did however find out that this was originally stained a cherry color, then it was painted white, then it was painted orange, then grey then drawn all over and duct taped and I'm pretty sure there are some cigarette burns on the top.  Too bad I don't know who the previous owners were so I could hire them to decorate my entire house.  ;)  I really need to inspect things more carefully, but I just get so excited at that $5 price tag.  So at this point I was thinking "I'll just buy some more stripper and work on it until it's done," but then I ran across this post about three minutes ago at 4 the love of wood and I have come to the conclusion that I am done.  She spent a lot of time and money on her dresser redo, but her dresser was secretly cool underneath.  Mine is not.  Mine is crap.  So it's over.  Here is the final pic of this dresser and if anyone wants a free dresser let me know because I have one available.


  1. I think you should keep going. I know, easy for me to say! paint it a pretty blue (robin's egg/sky bluish) and put some red or yellow pulls on the doors. Then give it to me for free. Oh yeah, and transport it to Sacramento. :)

  2. Haha. That was the plan. Red pulls with some red patterned wall paper to line the drawers. It would have been awesome, but super expensive. Especially if I was transporting it to sac. My goodness. ;)

  3. Um... I want it! I need a dresser for Chloe and it'd give me a project to work on... of course, that's only if you are done with it though :)

  4. I'm super done with it. It's in REALLY bad shape. It would be quite the project, but if you want it, it's yours.
